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Victory In Christ: The Christ-centered Approach to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Revelation’s “opening Story” and the Four Horsemen. 

    As the Lamb begins to unseal the scroll-of-destiny, four cosmic horsemen charge forth from heaven. They’re on a mission from God! (Rev 6:1-8)

   Many Christians today believe that the infamous Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse represent the Antichrist, who will soon create “hell-on-earth.” The four colored horses alone can conjure up dreadful thoughts, as portrayed on the cover of “Armageddon” (in the Left Behind series). But despite the frightening media, Christians did not always believe this way. The earliest church teachings, and that of the early-Protestants, held that the rider on the white horse represented Jesus Christ (6:1-2; see, Matthew Henry’s Commentary on the Bible–1792).

   It’s no surprise, then, that in recent years Christians have begun to ask questions like: “Why did the church exchange its Christ-centered teachings  for the Antichrist?”; “Why isn’t there one book that explains this change and why it took place?”; and, “What is the biblical evidence?” Knowing that the messages of the four-horsemen concern life and death, these are important questions! 

    In my book, Victory in Christ–The Christ-Centered Approach to the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse (release date, fall 2010), we closely examine this part of Scripture, because it influences our understanding of the entire Book of Revelation. Here is a brief idea of what Bible students will discover.